Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pregenerated Fighters 2nd level

These 3 second-level characters are fighters, Zane, Gurwinder and Jaime*. Click the link to download the PDF file. These characters are almost ready to go. In generating ability scores, I made sure the range was acceptable in both D&D and AD&D. To convert this character to straight AD&D, simply add or subtract the racial modifiers and class abilities.

The equipment and coins are not balanced for a low-level character. It is safe to assume that each has prior adventurers in their background, perhaps even entering the Lion Castle from BSOLO and escaping before victory.

If there is a call for it in the comments, I will make DOCX and Google Doc file available as I have the PDFs. The reason I have not done this from the get go is that I created every character of a class in one document and print each page as a PDF.

*Zane is a callback to Final Fantasy, while Jaime is a shout out to my sister-in-law who can find zero products with her name spelled correctly on them. Gurwinder is a woman with a very special background in my campaign. She is decidedly female.

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