Saturday, March 14, 2020

Strictly (Duke) Springer - Day 074 – March 14th.

The gambling area has a strange assortment of goods available, in addition to gambling.

Duke and Emily are off with the crew to gamble again. I was hoping to get side arms or heavy side arms, but e071 it is.

I’m not doing tables again today. Only Duke and Emily are gambling. After more than a dozen games, we walk out with a cool 180,000. Since the deal with the team was 1% of all profits, each crewman receives 1,800 each. That leaves Duke and Emily with 163,000 in gambling profits. I forgot to do this yesterday, but the crew made out like bandits anyway.

On our way out, we get jumped by 4 guys with TL-6 side arms. The combat is short and brutal as we are toting heavy side arms with explosive rounds on a planet with no air. Emily goes down unconscious  but suffers no hits. Duke, Left and Bones are all hit for 1 point of damage, which isn’t much of a problem.

We walk off with our winnings and the 4 TL-6 side arms, which the crew distribute among themselves.

1 Antelope starship with TL-5 Guns. I owe nothing.
1 Hopper with boat guns, TL-3.

Cargo of note:
1 Boat guns, TL-2,
4 CU Status Unit (e103),
120 Side Arms, TL-6.
7 Side Arms TL-1, 1 TL-3 Side Arm, 1 TL-4 Side Arm
2 TL-4 heavy hand weapons with explosive effects,
5 TL-1 Heavy Hand Weapons,
4 Doses of pheromones (e009) in Duke’s pocket,
and the ship is fueled with 6 hypercharges.

1 Alicorn starship with TL-1 Guns. We owe nothing.
1 Hopper with TL-2 Boat guns,

Cargo of note:
5 Military U-suits (e044)
5 TL-1 Heavy Hand Weapons,
130 Side Arms, TL-6.
and the ship is fueled with 6 hypercharges.

I have 167,983 secs. We are wanted in the Palatek system.

Since I didn't do tables, let me share my character sheets. Duke and Emily's cash in combined in the total above.

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