Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Stuff to Start Again

Today I realized I didn't lose everything in fire. Up in the cloud are all the PDF I ordered from DriveThruRPG. Of course, I didn't have copies of the core books so now I am making a list of what I need to rebuild. 

First up is "my Dungeons and Dragons". The Blue Box, but not Blue Holmes set. I had a Holmes book, but it was acquired later in my gaming career. Of course, I do have a digital copy of BlueHolme which is excellent but doesn't match the memory of 11 year old me. 

D&D Basic Set Rulebook (B/X ed.) (Basic)

D&D Basic Set Rulebook (B/X ed.) (Basic)
D&D Expert Set Rulebook (B/X ed.) (Basic)
D&D Expert Set Rulebook (B/X ed.) (Basic)
D&D Expert Set Rulebook (B/X ed.) (Basic)
With these two books, a lot of gaming can be done. They run $4.99 each. Unfortunately, they do not have a print option. I'm not sure why. That would be great if they did.


  1. I have a set of 5th edition books you can have. PhB DMG and MM. If interested.

  2. Thank you for the offer. I am hesitant to start bringing in physical goods in to our temporary house because all of this will have to be moved back in 6 to 8 months.

  3. Offer stands.

    Gathered some photocopies of books for you as well

    Basic and expert with color covers
    White star galaxy edition
    Grimsgate module
    Master of the rogue spire 1 2 3
    Colonial troopers
    Warriors of the red planet
    O s R rpg

  4. Thank you, Anonymous. Shoot me an email at phil(dot)viverito(@t)gmail.com.
