A website dedicate to games of all favors and varieties, from video games to good old D&D.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
New Ko-Fi Store
Star Frontiers Campaign - Supporting Cast
For my campaign next year, I will need a supporting cast for the players. The characters will have access to a Kon-Tiki shuttle smaller than an Assult Scout. Since the players will be using this new type of ship, it needs to have a bit of history, as if it were a character.
In the closing of the Sathar War, the Federation ran down a couple of paths of ship design. One of them was a type of electronic warfare destroyer called the Puff Adder. This destroyer was fitted with 3 atomic and three ion engines, packed with electronic warfare gear while giving up many of its weapons. It was also given two Kon-Tiki shuttles that could dock with it. Like its namesake, the Puff Adder could ambush enemy ships with its electronic warfare gear and light weapons while the Kon-Kiki shuttles provided support. The inherent abilities of the two types of engines allow these ships to dance in and out of danger. It would have been a vastly more expensive ship than your typical Destroyer. 16 hulls of this type were laid down before the war ended. At the end of the war, Puff Adders were fitted with engines recovered from damaged ships as a cheap solution. However, only 8 were fully outfitted with their electronic warfare gear and weapons creating a second variant on the destroyer.Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Star Frontiers Campaign - Ships for the Characters
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Star Frontiers Campaign 2024
Let's start with the characters. They are not newbies. They have survived the events of Volturnus modules. To that end, they are in advanced officer training and learning to crew a spaceship.
In my campaigns, spaceship skills are selectable from the get-go. These characters have 20 experience points for anything they like from the Alpha Dawn set and 10 experience points to spend on one spaceship skills. The players have one special option at character generation - they can trade 1 exp point for 1,000 credits. This pairs nicely with the 20 exp for any AD skill. The characters will be nicely equipped with the expectation everyone has one or more guns.
I don't believe in yanking the character's equipment at the start of the adventure.
Next, the characters have a home base, a planet named Typhon. It's a water world with underwater living quarters. The population is small, but growing after the war. The planet features a chain of islands around the equator. There are many aquatic animals in the planetary ocean and more than a few amphibians inhabiting the island. Even the bird and rat-like creatures are amphibians. It is an interesting world without too much excitement. Typhon is one of those "best-kept secrets" planets, beautiful and safe, not well known yet and not completely explored.
Also in the Typhon system is the planet Dust. This planet is barely habitable, but the low-oxygen atmosphere is great for storing and repairing spaceships. It is a base for training future astronauts. It isn't as dangerous as training in a vacuum. All species hate the environment, it requires suits for comfort but you can survive on the surface. Just barely. Typical stints on Dust last between a month and 3 months. The planet has one main base and dozens of smaller bases scattered here and there.
If you weren't learning how to be an astronaut, you'd have no reason to visit and even less to stay. Everyone, including the general staff, tries to speed run any necessary tasks to get back to the comfort of Typhon. Failing that, a tiny ship and a hard vacuum would do.
Now we are to the meat of the setting. There has been a rash of incidents where the visitors to Dust go missing. They vanish after leaving Dust for other destinations. This is bizarre because they spend some time at the destination getting settled, checking in with friends and family, and getting spotted on plenty of security cameras. Then they are gone. The one commonality is they disappear at night. No bodies have been found, no ransom, no demands, there is no pattern to the destinations, and no foul play is evidenced but is obviously suspected.
Since the Sathar and their agents have been sent packing, it is an interplanetary locked room mystery for the players to solve.
At DriveThruRPG
I picked up the print copy of AD from DriveThruRPG. The printing is excellent, and the binding looks sharp and clean.
Monday, December 4, 2023
Simple Improvements - Power to the Archer
In virtually all RPGs, archers are limited to how many arrows they have. Once the quiver is empty, they aren't an archer anymore. They lose the deadly ability to strike at a distance.
I wrote about making fighting men and spell casters more powerful without adding die rolls or wildly different mechanics. Archers can be similarly empowered.
Looking at the first Avengers movie, Hawkeye doesn't miss so much as not hit his target.
Loki is a trickster and should have seen this coming. Now let's look at Hawkeye missing a target.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Disappointment = Improvements, Star Frontiers Edition
Simple Improvements - Magic Spells
I have one simple improvement for magic users of all stripes that doesn't involve dice throws. It is a clarification of my house rules.
First - To loose and/or lose a spell it has to be prepared. This is usually part of the rules of the game. One word to improve this rule is "completely", as in "completely prepared".
Adding this one word completely changes the dynamic of spellcasting.
Let's say a wizard or cleric selected a complex spell. They start to prep it then they are hit in the face. "Completely prepared" switches the result from "I lost a spell" to "I have to start over". They weren't done prepping. That seems kind of fair as the player and the character pays a cost in terms of frustration but doesn't actually lose anything else.
They need a better plan, but they can use that spell later.
The next modification to spell casting for simplification is: to allow the character to pull back unused spells. I can't tell you how many times I have had a player prep a fireball in the last round of combat and simply lose it. It seems reasonable to me that a player should be able to undo that action if nothing else is happening. Perhaps it takes the same amount of time to put the spell away as it does to prep it. Seems reasonable to me.
A third simplification is what I call "spell coast". On Monday, a cleric prays for three spells - Light, Purify Food and Water, and Bless. He has only one opportunity to cast the Purify Food and Water spell on Monday. On Tuesday, decides to replace that one spell with Cure Light Wounds. Being a small-town adventure, nothing happens until Sunday night. If the cleric is happy with his spell choices, he doesn't have to study every day. He coasts along with the 2 spells he prayed for on Monday and third, he prayed for on Tuesday.
The less time the players spend memorizing spells, the better. I had a diabolical DM that would take people's memorized spells away the moment they lost consciousness.
All of these things together make spell casters more powerful while also providing more role-play opportunities.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Random Encounters/Making Memories
This only sometimes happens. He plays e5 while I am into AD&D e1 or OSE. They seem wildly different, to me anyway. But tonight proved that wrong.
Halfway through dinner, Nathan realized he planned a D&D session with his friends. He looked rather glum about it. I said I was envious because I have very little time to game.
The problem was he didn't know what to do for tonight's session. I asked him about the past sessions and he filled me on the problems first. They are 4 sessions into this campaign and they skipped a planned Session 0. Nathan was forced to cob together a very basic idea into a full-fledged campaign due to a lack of planning.![]() |
Nathan, dressed to impress. |
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Setting, Theme, and Narrative
Last week, I was so hopeful. I would get myself back on track by returning to reviews until I was back on a regular posting schedule. Thursday morning, that goal was evaporating as my son got sick and by Friday evening, I had it too.
It's been 147 days of Sudafed haze and sinus hell since Friday night. It's one of those sucky things you can't shake off. That's a shame because I wanted to post about something I received in the mail:
Sunday, September 24, 2023
My Friends, I Have Wasted a Year - Civilization II Gold Review
Title: Sid Meier's Civilization II Gold
Publisher: MacSoft
Author: MicroProse
Year: 1999
OS: Mac OS 7.1 up to OS 9.2
Overall Rating: 5 of 5 stars
The misquote in the title is from Emperor Titus in 79 A.D. and is apt for a review of any of the Civilization Games.
There were so many changes from Civ I to Civ II and the Gold version expanded on those, this version is like a brand new game. This particular version is my favorite despite being "made of glitch". I have delayed reviewing this game due to the incredible breadth of content and play options.
This is an exploration strategy game, if not THE strategy game of the late 90s and early 2000s. You pick a civilization headed by an avatar representing that culture/civilization. From there you select a map type, either pre-made like the one below or a randomly generated world. Next comes scenario modifiers, where you can race for Alpha Centauri or have a slugfest to dominate our Earth (or approximation of Earth).
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Review: Adventures in Dungeonland
It has been a while since I've posted. I have a lot going on but I would like to return to a regular posting schedule. As a head-clearing exercise, I would like to return to reviews, a process I enjoy. From the title, you know the module in question.
Title: DungeonlandRule Set: AD&D
Levels: 9-12
Year: 1983
Author: Gary Gygax
Publisher: TSR
Pages: 32 pages plus a map
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
I had planned what I thought were obvious outs in the real world, such as leaving the room, placing someone on the altar and out of the poison would prevent another save, not touching other players or the crystal moon, and so on. Cleaning things or wearing gloves would have worked too, but no one caught on to this aspect as they really wanted back into Dungeonland.
This party's second go-around in Dungeonland was brought on by one player mentioning the adventure while holding the Crystal Moon they found.
For my hard-luck Dragonlance players, I yanked them down the rabbit hole via a nasty cabal attack. Each section of the module was the result of an alter reality spell being cast on them. Rather than being a total screw-fest, the Dragonlance characters had abilities and magic not accounted for in Dungeonland and they prevailed handily.
Additionally, at the end of each sequence, they physically fought the illusionist who cast the spell for that part of the module before being thrust back into Dungeonland by the next illusionist's reality warping. As a consequence, they gained treasures from the dead illusionist cabal which they could use in the world of Krynn to equally deadly effect. As a nod to my first party's run, they also obtained the Crystal Moon device, which is a crystal ball. That is amazingly useful in Krynn.
This was a confidence builder for getting back into the Dragonlance story after a minor setback which the party took as total failure. Funny how players think.
This is one of the most fun adventures I have ever played as a player and as a DM. I may take a stab at it using Old School Essentials.
Topical Topic
I've mentioned my love of Disney. but I have yet to mention my wife's love of Lewis Caroll. When we first met, I pigeonholed her as a non-reader. I was very wrong, she is merely a non-book collector. I was shocked to find that she had read everything by Lewis Caroll, Poe, and T.S. Elliot plus many, many more. She reads something and disposes of the book.
Blasphemy! How could you get rid of books you read and liked? We are still working on this issue.
This is one of those odd times where our interests collide on a topical subject and also highlights the need for patrons of this website.
How do a D&D module, Lewis Caroll, and patrons merge with current events?
AI, of course.
I imagine that most of the people reading this site expect me to produce my own content, with my own opinions no matter how odd or off-beat they may be. It's a matter of getting a different perspective. By way of example, I did a review on dx/db. The author dropped in to say thanks, while some of my readers on social media absolutely hated this title and said so.
Well, I engaged with both and everyone is happy. This website is a service to people of all kinds and perspectives. And I thank them for those differing views.
Let me take a moment to thank some major backers of this website: Blackrazor, Pulp 716, and a co-worker.
Blackrazor provided dozens of games after the house fire. Pulp 716 provided a safe haven for my family after the same. It's a wonderful place to meet up, buy THEN read comics, and relax. And my unnamed coworker provided a fabulous Macbook, which comes in handy for writing posts for These Old Games.
My coworker hit the nail on the head when he asked, "How is that useful? What can you do with a computer too old to connect to the internet?"
The answer to that is easy, I use it to disconnect from the internet. He didn't see the value in that until I showed him my workflow and then it all made sense. Basically, I write my text and note what sort of image I want in my post on the iBook. Then I can sneaker-net a USB drive between computers and use Blogger's integration with Photos to get the images from my phone.
Very rarely do I type directly into the Blogger interface, usually only to change wording or kill a typo not found by Apple Works and whatnot. Today, I tried to use it for speed and ease of use.
Yeah, wrong.
The interface has broken down. I am experiencing a corporate AI takeover. I use Chrome and Blogger plus Grammarly. At some point, the various spell-checking options switched to highly aggressive mode. It's crazy, I can't really type anything in the standard interface without getting a mess of suggestions that make no sense.
I've turned it all off which was about as effective as turning off Skynet was.
On top of this, I have noticed the integration with Photos has gone off, like 6-day-old Chinese food on a soft taco shell. It could work, but I am taking chances.
If I didn't have the refuge of my good ol' iBooks, I'd be screwed.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
What's Up?
Man, things never go the way you expect. Stuff changes.
As you can see, there have been some changes to my website. Minor stuff that I always meant to do.
On the right, I now have a contact form where you can email me directly. Also on the right is a new link to The Magic Candle Company, a product I very much enjoy. We haven't done candles since the house fire, but they carry oil diffusers. If you want the coupon code instead of the link, it is TOGWEB for 15% off.
Other changes since the start of this year have been work-related. We picked up a second home, cute rental property in Clifton Springs near Canandaigua to simplify work travel. It's odd having a landlord again. My wife does travel nursing and this facilitates this. Having a vacation home is pretty cool, too.Canandaigua and Clifton Springs are beautiful places with a rich history and amazing natural resources. There are many homes dating back to the Revolutionary War. They have a game shop called Dork Forest Comics and is just down the street is a sulfur spring. Believe it or not, Elvis, Elizabeth Taylor, and Paul Newman used to visit the sulfur spas.
The springs don't smell all that bad. Being a natural property of the springs the smell ebbs and flows from day to day. It is very pleasant due to the canal-like setting and the wildlife that inhabits the waters.
Now that Bo passed, we discovered we can't do without a rabbit in our home.
Monday, September 4, 2023
Ahsoka TV Show
Which loops back to Ahsoka. This might be the worst-named TV show ever because so far, it has little to do with her. The story leans heavily on Sabine Wren, the plucky Mandalorian. Well, we already have a Mando, we don't need another. I'd like to see more of Hera and Chopper's antics, but Sabine's story has sucked me in.
I love the way that the writers handled her story. At various points in Rebels, Sabine worked her way up to Chopper-level war crimes but found several different ways out of that path through her friends. In the opening of Ahaska, we see her relying on herself rather than friends to find her own path. It might not be a good path, but it is at least stable until she gets dragged back into the fight.
She doesn't wear her armor, she hasn't succumbed to drinking, she isn't a good Jedi, she hasn't become a smuggler or businesswoman. She really is her own person on her own path.
My wife who is a hardcore action-adventure hater enjoyed the show. The most appealing aspect for her was the fact that you don't need to know anything to watch. You don't need to watch The Mandolorian or all of the Rebels cartoons to care or understand the problem. I was surprised by that because Thrawn and Ezra are the hooks for most viewers. My wife sees them as McGuffins, something that makes the plot go.
I like that they have cast Sabine as a Jedi padawan. It is interesting primarily because she has virtually no connection to The Force. I personally believe that this is a lie. My working hypothesis is that she has a deep connection to The Force but it has nothing to do with the quest for power, therefore she has no overt abilities. She is a character without an obvious ending because she has rejected them all. Power won't help her find what she desires.
She could have been a great Imperial but she rejected it. She could have been the ruler of Mandolor, but she rejected that too. Sabine obviously has a way into the New Republic but is equally uninterested. She has no drive for power so having no visible Force powers is not a problem.
Thank God, because no one needs another Rey. I don't dislike Rey, but they use her like a superhero in Star Wars World. What a waste.
There have been a bunch of canon stories that touch on people without The Force taking sides and doing amazing things. Those amazing things usually have zilch to do with wielding a lightsabre, the Uber weapon of Star Wars. In fact, picking up a lightsabre is probably the last thing someone without The Force should do. But it happens, too.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Throwback Thursday - The Anniversary Edition
Today, Jen and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary. As we had an excellent dinner and drinks, I noticed the Riviera Theater across the street was advertising bands that were big when we started dating. One of them really jumped out at me:
Part of the evening was talking about vacation plans for next year. We are going back to Saratoga Springs, NY to see Dave Matthews Band. Due to COVID, a yearly tradition went in the garbage and now we are playing catchup. Jen would like to see DMB twice next year, back-to-back dates in Saratoga.
We've seen them a lot and I accidentally derailed the conversation.
Jennifer said, "Man, we have seen DMB so many times. I bet you haven't seen the same band twice in two days."
"Queensryche, 3 times in 3 days. I've seen them so many times," I said.
She was flummoxed. "We've seen Dave Matthews 18 times. How many times have you seen Queensryche?"
I started counting. As I got into it, it was easier to count cities by country than concerts.
Buffalo, NY. 84, 89, 91
Darien Center, NY. 95, 97
Weedsport, NY. 95
Rochester, NY. 84, 89, 91
Blossom, Toledo, and Columbus, OH. in 1997, one time each.
In addition to these dates, I saw them in Syracuse twice but don't remember what year.
I could swear I saw them more in Canada than in the US, but I was wrong:
Toronto, ON. 86, 89, 91, 95
Hamilton, ON. '88, 89
Ottawa, ON. 89*
* There was a second disastrous show in Ottawa where I ate the pizza at Mcdonald's. I puked my brains out at the show. So embarrassing because I didn't even have a chance to figure out the drinking age. It was a straight-up bad food choice. (It would have been 18 but for some reason, I forgot Ottawa was in Ontario.)
You'll notice a funny thing about that list. I met my wife at the end of 1996 and we started dating in 1997. She missed the Queensryche years. When we met, she had only been to one concert. I decided to change that and one of our first concerts was DMB.
So, if we go to DMB in July of next year, I will have seen Dave Matthews a little less than I have seen Queensryche. Thanks to my wife, by virtue of our metalhead daughter, I will get to add one more Queensryche tally to the list and keep that band on top for another couple of years.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Production Progress
Monday, May 15, 2023
POP-001 - The Pantheon of Gods
I'm starting to piece together the Pantheon of Gods for the Lost Temple. It ain't much of a temple without a god or gods to worship. In this case, these gods became lost when the temple was abandoned so the PC's will not have any knowledge of them.
The first god is going to represent liminal spaces. While he is not the most important God in the Pantheon, he is the vehicle behind the PC's ability to explore this magical place. Rather uncreatively, I've been thinking of naming him Lumo. I'll probably come up with something better. Lumo is a placeholder for now.
The term "liminal space" is new to me. This post is talking me through the idea.
"Liminal spaces" refer to transitional or in-between spaces that are not easily defined or categorized. These are places where boundaries between different realms, states, or stages of being become blurred or permeable, creating a sense of ambiguity or uncertainty. Examples of liminal spaces include doorways, thresholds, bridges, crossroads, and shorelines, as well as certain times of day (such as dawn and dusk) or stages of life (such as adolescence).
This abandoned temple is somewhat like El Castillo, Chichen Itza. At least, that's what I've modeled the cover image after. I have come to discover that pyramids are really very boring as dungeons. They don't have many, if any rooms. El Castillo challenges my understanding of the pyramid dungeon as it was built on top of other structures. It does have interior spaces that have nothing to do with being a pyramid or temple. These would be an example of a liminal space, crossing from one time period to another or one function to another.
Now this will require a modification of my original idea, adding long tunnels around the perimeter of the pyramid. These would serve as an entry point to the older temples, a sort of dungeon space, and a way into the vertical shafts. And Lumo has always been a part of this culture from the beginning. He is a prime mover here. Where these spaces exist, he is able to exist.Sunday, May 14, 2023
Star Frontiers: Knight Hawks Boardgame and Campaign Expansion Review
I have some more content queued up for POP-001, but I have to get some bugs out of my system. I did a review of Star Frontiers with the intention of returning to review the expansion set Knight Hawks. It's been 2.5 years, so I should do it now.
Title: Star Frontiers: Knight Hawks Boardgame, The Campaign Expansion, and Warriors of Light ModuleDesigner: Douglas Niles
Year: 1983
Pages: Boardgame book, 20 pages. Expanded book, 64 pages. SF0, 32 pages.
Number of players: 2+
Rating: ★★★
Star Frontiers is a classic science fiction role-playing game that was first introduced in 1982. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the Knight Hawks expansion, which focuses on ship-to-ship battles. This expansion provides players with an opportunity to engage in space combat, which is a crucial element of the science fiction genre. This set was a boxed set like Alpha Dawn and even follows the exact same book and page count as the original.
The key features of the Knight Hawks expansion are the ship-to-ship combat and ship design system. Players have the ability to design their own spacecraft from scratch, giving them the freedom to create vessels that suit their playstyle. The ship design system is complex but rewarding, allowing players to customize every aspect of their ship, from its weapons and defenses to speed and maneuverability. Plus every part of the customized starship simply works with the ship-to-ship combat system right out of the box.
Players don't need to create ships to engage in ship-to-ship combat, the module will gift them with not just their own ship, but a whole fleet of ready-go ships. The combat system is turn-based and consists of three phases: movement, combat, and damage control. The phases are crucial for setting up attacks and avoiding incoming fire so as not to resort to damage control.The combat phase is where the action really heats up. Players can choose from a variety of weapons, such as lasers, missiles, and torpedoes, to attack their opponents. Each weapon has its own unique characteristics, such as range, damage, and accuracy.
The game uses what I call a Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry system of weapons and defenses. There are missiles, lasers, proton beams, and electron beams. I seem to recall neutron beams, but I think stole that from Starfire, another excellent game from the time period. Specific attacks are modified or negated by specific defenses which creates a wild dynamic where ships might have the WRONG type of firepower. As confusing as the terms are, there are only three or four so you can roll with it pretty easily.
There is a damage control phase, where players can repair any damage their ship has sustained during combat. This phase is vital, as a damaged ship is less effective in combat and can be destroyed more easily. Players can repair damage to their ship's hull, engines, weapons, and defenses, but doing so requires time and rolls against the DRC rating of the ship. It is far less complex than StarFleet Battles and can be adapted to be more Traveller-like by ignoring the DRC for some aspects and allowing characters to use their new starship skills to get stuff done. I wouldn't suggest making every repair a character skill roll, but the nugget of the idea is there.
I play StarFleet Battles, so I can't call this set complex or deep, but it has Basic and Advanced rules can get new players going with minimal fuss. Was I to stop the review here, the boardgame rules are stand-alone and would get 5 of five stars.
You'll notice that I gave this set 3 stars. That is because the integration with Alpha Dawn sucks. In Alpha Dawn, we left the characters with 3 PSAs with a max of 6 ranks. Knight Hawks throws in 4 more Star Ship Skills which are not PSA, but dependent on PSA. And require them to be nearly maxed out.
On day one of purchasing the box set, you are months away from having your old characters gain the necessary skills to use this set. That's garbage. What does firing a gyrojet weapon at a tank have to do with lobbing a giga-ton nuke at a ship in orbit? Driving a car is related to jumping a spaceship? No. That shouldn't be a thing.
I could explain the way I handle this hitch, but instead, I will ding this set 3 stars and allow you to engage with your players as you see fit. I WILL give this set one additional star for adding more vehicles and space combat into the mix while resolving the chronic "First World Star Frontiers Problem".
What I call the First World Star Frontiers Problem is a lack of creativity in the creation of modules. It is really a problem of having too many options or possibilities available in the rules and settings hampering an author's ability to create an engaging scenario. Virtually all of the modules lay out a scenario, then strip the players of some or all of their weapons and kit. That is a systemic railroad if I ever saw one.
Don't do that to your players, do anything else.
Knight Hawks actually fixes this problem as even lifeboats have guns and ammo, tools are weapons and the ship is a flying storehouse. Giving the characters a massive starship basically means if they lose their gear, they go back to the ship and gun the f--- up, and come back with a vengeance. This is a better playing experience than losing it all and coming back from nothing. Half of the game is shopping for kit or designing spaceships. Why bother striping gear for every pre-packaged adventure?
In conclusion, Star Frontiers Knight Hawks is an adequate expansion that adds a new dimension to the already good Star Frontiers RPG. The ship-to-ship battles are engaging and challenging, requiring players to think strategically and use their resources wisely. While the system may be overwhelming at first, the rewards are well worth the effort. If you're a fan of science fiction and role-playing games both halves of this system are for you.
You can pick up a copy on DriveThruRPG either in PDF or Print. Either is very nice and the two boxed sets are combined together, so it's just one purchase. Personally, I would buy the combo PDF and Print set so you can print off as many of the map pieces and counters as you like. Star Frontiers has really nice counters and starship deckplans.