Ah! The Adventures I have... not known?
There are some initials in it (which a cropped out) and a few hints as to what was happening to these characters. It appears the party had just run S2 White Plume Mountain (Link to Noble Knights) and survived. Of course, these aren't full-character sheets, but I can guess what they might have looked like.
Here is my rendition Mugwar the 8th-level Ranger:
Level 8 Ranger
Armour Class -3 (+2 elven chainmail armour + ring of protection +3)
Hit Points 54
1 × Long Bow (1d6) or
1 × Long Bow (1d6) or
1 × Two-Handed Sword (1d10)
1 × Dagger (1d4)
Movement Rate 90' (30')
Saves D8 W9 P10 B10 S12
Alignment Lawful
STR 12 INT 11 WIS 9
DEX 18 CON 16 CHA 10
Spells invisibility to animals [See Advanced Fantasy]
Now, the difficulty comes in matching that -3 AC. With an 18 Dex, we hop from 9 to 6. Add in chainmail and we are at 2, leaving us 5 short. Let's skip a shield and use magic to get us lower.
There are a couple of options from here.
I like the possibility of +2 Elven Chain bringing us to AC 0. And a magic ring of protection to get us the rest of the way.
At least that is what I would want my Ranger to look like.
Now, there is this tiny, tiny chance that the player of Mugwar is still around and playing. Perhaps some magic will happen and we will get a real answer.
You can also use DriveThru as a source for White Plume Mountain at this link. They do not have the Dungeon Masters Adventure Log available.
Something iconic about an 8th level ranger in AD&D.