Monday, February 24, 2025


Here are two of my least favorite things about minis: storage and bases. 

Why do I keep my models in a terrarium? My cats are dicks. There isn't much I can do about that, if Youtube is any indicator, all cats are dicks. 

Anyway, my second least favorite thing about models is doing the bases. 


Because if you don't straight-up paint them, you end up with materials that are a completely different palette than the paint you used. 

The best you can do is hit the grass and sand with some paint or ink to try and get it close. Sometimes, that works. The other downside is, that sometimes your grass-like material is "sticky". Either actually sticky or it has a static-magnetic effect.

There is some irony that the grass tends to stick to metal models more than plastic models, despite the metal being completely non-magnetic. 

The last un-fun part of doing bases is, let's say you get this looking great, where the tones match your models and the table you use. It isn't long before you show up at a friend's house, or a comic book store with nice tables, and your bases look bad again. 

I suppose it's just like painting, I guess I need to practice. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

February Update - Catching Up

Since Christmas, I have been alternating between Football and illness, either me or someone in the house. Football is over, but this new ick still has me. Last week, 1-3 people were out of the office daily with one thing or another. It was a rough week.  

Let's start with the fun part of the update: Rabbits. 

Fiver has a new house. It's a Snoopy house for a small dog or cat. Fiver barely fits, but he likes it. He shares with the cats, but not at the same time. He'd squish them. He is rapidly approaching 30 lbs. 

Now to the dog, Tori. She has been very sick since Christmas week. More than a few times we thought we'd lose her. She was on a ridiculous amount of pills. As of now, she is down to just 2. Unfortunately, one of these is a steroid. She is packing on the weight and is very unpredictable. 

When I say, unpredictable, I mean really it. Sometimes she lays on her side like a stuffed animal with all four paws poking straight out. If something bothers her in this position, she barks like Cujo. It is surreal because she doesn't move at all. Just barks like a crazy thing.  

Once she recovers, the two of us are going walking each night. Between her lovely weight gain and my diabetes, we need it. If this lasts 'til spring, she will be out there with me re-doing the garden. I don't need to expand, I need to clean up.  

This post wouldn't be complete without circling back to rabbits. We have a family of bunnies in the backyard. Sometimes, I go out there and see 2-3 of them hiding in plain sight. Tori never notices them, or if she does, she ignores them. 

I expect to do battle with them over my garden. I don't mind, I sort of count on it. I have an area under a tree where I can plant strawberries for the rabbits. I might try carrots and radishes, too. I want to kill off the grass there so I don't have to mow that space. My real gardening spaces are fenced, so the rabbits can't do too much damage. 

I'll share pictures as the cleanup begins. Right now, I have a picture as a hint for the next post. I'm planning more than gardening: