Magic and Silver Weapon Series, including a bit about life-draining: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Wacky character classes: The Monomach, The Unicorn, Swashbucklers, Hoodlum.
Armor and Weapons: Damage reducing armor, Archery rules, Handedness rules, Encumbrance, Two-Weapon Combat, Arrows, and Ammo. Deceptive Equipment (the deceptive equipment was good for one adventure and then went in the dust bin).
Mini-games: The Indiana Jones-like chase rules. Largely non-lethal, good for getting the mechanics of die rolls down and escaping combat while still getting the sense of risk.
Quick unarmed combat for AD&D and B/X. Avoids grappling, etc.
Magic Spells: Empowering Arcane Casters (poorly implemented as it is too much of a hassle) and the very useful Counter Magic ability.
Standard Character Sheet for AD&D, this is my classic AD&D character sheet available which incorporates Unearthed Arcana. It is available at DriveThruRPG.
Professional Skills and NPC Skills, my book Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners, is also available at DriveThruRPG.
Magic user: Aware Air.
Druid: Bolt from the Blue, Arclight.
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