Showing posts with label IRL update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRL update. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

February Update - Catching Up

Since Christmas, I have been alternating between Football and illness, either me or someone in the house. Football is over, but this new ick still has me. Last week, 1-3 people were out of the office daily with one thing or another. It was a rough week.  

Let's start with the fun part of the update: Rabbits. 

Fiver has a new house. It's a Snoopy house for a small dog or cat. Fiver barely fits, but he likes it. He shares with the cats, but not at the same time. He'd squish them. He is rapidly approaching 30 lbs. 

Now to the dog, Tori. She has been very sick since Christmas week. More than a few times we thought we'd lose her. She was on a ridiculous amount of pills. As of now, she is down to just 2. Unfortunately, one of these is a steroid. She is packing on the weight and is very unpredictable. 

When I say, unpredictable, I mean really it. Sometimes she lays on her side like a stuffed animal with all four paws poking straight out. If something bothers her in this position, she barks like Cujo. It is surreal because she doesn't move at all. Just barks like a crazy thing.  

Once she recovers, the two of us are going walking each night. Between her lovely weight gain and my diabetes, we need it. If this lasts 'til spring, she will be out there with me re-doing the garden. I don't need to expand, I need to clean up.  

This post wouldn't be complete without circling back to rabbits. We have a family of bunnies in the backyard. Sometimes, I go out there and see 2-3 of them hiding in plain sight. Tori never notices them, or if she does, she ignores them. 

I expect to do battle with them over my garden. I don't mind, I sort of count on it. I have an area under a tree where I can plant strawberries for the rabbits. I might try carrots and radishes, too. I want to kill off the grass there so I don't have to mow that space. My real gardening spaces are fenced, so the rabbits can't do too much damage. 

I'll share pictures as the cleanup begins. Right now, I have a picture as a hint for the next post. I'm planning more than gardening:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Visiting Fort William Henry

A map of Lake Geroge and 
Fort William Henry
Jen and I visited Fort William Henry in Lake George, NY this weekend. There is so much to do and see there, it boggles the mind and scratches an itch for me. 

The map on the left is something I am working on, I need to do some adjustments and re-fire the laser. I'll probably break it into the fort and the lake. If it comes out nicely, I'll add it to my shop. 

Lake George is loaded with American history and the older history of the Native Americans in the area. While my wife enjoys the Lake for the nostalgia of her childhood, her family spent summers there; she also connects with the history of the place. They have several good historical sites, museums, and books stores that we frequent a lot. I can digest history naturally, as one is meant to. 

Our last trip zig-zagged between history and amusement. We did a couple of historical tours and a few ghost tours. We went up French Mountain to look down on the Lake and took in the sights, lakeside. It is a wonderful place. 

The Horicon Steamboat
There are several steamboats. One of them is named The Horicon. That sounded Greek to me, but it isn't. It's Algonquin. It means "the land of pure, clean water." Native Americans were highly mobile, Horicon National Wildlife Refuge is in Wisconsin and they also gave the name to the Lake George region. It is a vague descriptor of the area, not a specific site on or around the lake, in either New York or Wisconsin. 

That is a vast area. I just wanted to say that in case you Google it. I think it's amazing that people moved so much. 

I can't wait to get back there. We'll do another trip in December before planning our 2025 outings. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Back with Frickin' Laser Beams!

I am back. And now I have a laser. 

I purchased the Creality Falcon2 22-watt laser with all of the trimmings. I have used a laser in the past, however, that machine was very next-level and way out of my price point. If you have the means, the Epilog series of lasers are amazing. I do not have the means but I set one up for the Buffalo Science Museum in 2013. 

I have dreamed of having my own machine and the Falcon2 was at my price point. 

Delivery was super quick and set up was "easy". I've had this machine for nearly two weeks and thanks to the Crowdstrike issue nuking every computer at work, I didn't get to unbox the Falcon2 for 12 days after delivery. 

I wanted to do an unboxing video, but I was too excited to film it and unboxing videos are not a habit I want to start. I will say the packing is excellent for both shipping and unboxing. They really thought out the consumer angle of this product. 

Setting up the laser is simple, but I would like to share some tips based on my background experience. These tips will draw on my time at Mattel/Fisher-Price and my experience with the Epilog laser. 

First, the Falcon2 has 60% of the power of the Epilog 35-watt system. This means the Falcon2 has less power needs and fewer protective systems. The Epilog is in a massive metal and glass box with specific venting methods set right into the frame. 

The Falcon2 only needs a tent with a fan to separate you from the laser. Additionally, the Falcon2 requires protective glasses despite having a plastic window on the tent AND a shield around the laser. Seriously, you only have two eyes so 3 layers of protection is good. 

Let's start with two issues I had with the tent. The tent sits on a plastic frame. The frame parts appear to be 3d printed plastic. It does require a bit of care assembling. Me and my hulk hands snapped one of the support tubes. 

This was laziness on my part. I could have used a little care or a dot of soap. 

The second issue I had was with the fan assembly for the tent. It comes with a fan shield.


Fans are devices with spinning blades. Despite everything Star Wars has taught me, they usually have covers. This prevents items like Jedi from jumping through them to destroy your Imperial Plans. 

It is a little-known fact that if you stick your fingers into a tiny fan to see if it is sucking or blowing, the blades always SUCK! 

In addition to the Falcon2 laser, I also purchased a very nice set of bandaids. If I had put the shield on the fan from the start, I could have saved a couple of bucks on bandaids.

Live and learn. 
Now we are to the third issue I had with this product. On my first try, the laser didn't work. It wouldn't even move. This indicates a firmware update is necessary. The process is pretty well documented, you simply load the file on to the provided SD card and stick the card in the SD card slot. This updates the main driver motors. 

Next, you load the laser head file on to the SD card and plug that into the laser head unit using the provided SD to USB-C connectors. It's odd, but it works. 

Having completed the update, the laser head moved and the air assist worked. But the laser would not fire. This one flummoxed me. I reached out to support to get help.  

They were ridiculously fast. I emailed at 9:45 pm and they responded by 5:00 am the next day. I was taken aback by the speed and the comprehensive support. They had me disassemble the laser head and check the internal connectors. This would have been daunting, but for the fact they provided all of the tools necessary to perform this check. They provided tools! 

Sadly, this was not my problem. 

Let's back up a bit and go to the same problem I always have... me. Remember how excited I was to assemble the product? I disassembled the whole thing and started over. This was not that hard. 

Before I go any further, I would like to explain the symptoms as they presented. 

Symptom One: the laser head and arm wouldn't move until I updated the firmware. Also, all of the lights blinked oddly. This was the red herring. After the update, the head and arm would move correctly including home and frame, and all of the lights gave correct/ready indicators including the laser, but the laser would not fire. 

On reassembly, I noticed something was off. There connector box on top of the arm for the laser head. When I pushed the connector in, it felt squishy. It also has a locking tab that would not lock. I couldn't see anything wrong until I used my camera.

In my haste, I bent a pin. It wasn't all that hard to push the pin back into place. I first tried the provided tweezers. That didn't work, they were a smidge too big. 

The next tool I reached for was an X-acto blade. It seemed like it would work, but I had just slashed my finger open on the fan so I put that down. What did do the trick was a clay sculpting tool. It has no sharp edges. 

I pushed the connector in and got the same squish. I thought I was being ham-handed again. Considering I already broke one part and stuck my finger into a spinning fan, this was highly probable.  

I fixed the pin again and took a better look at the problem. 

There are three cable management clips on the arm and the third leaves barely room to push the connector into the plug. Remember I mentioned they sent tools with the laser? 

One was an Allen wrench, the right size to remove the cable management clips. With that one clip removed, the connector was easy to fit, click and all. 

The last step was to put the clip back. I gave myself a lot of slack by homing the laser head and pulling the lines out of the way. The clip went back home and I had good cable management again. 

My Mattel/Fisher-Price training tells me they could have put this in the instructions but this isn't the typical consumer product. It's not like you are expecting a child to survive first contact with the beam.  

Since I was in troubleshooting mode, I simplified testing by loading one of the sample images to the SD card and disconnecting the laser from my computer. One problem at a time, right? 

I was immediately rewarded with the air assist powering up, the laser head homing and framing, and a brilliant blast of light. 

Within a few minutes, I had my first engraving. 

The image to the left shows the final product, not the process. You need to have all of that safety gear in place to use the laser. 

Like so: 

And so: 

And, also so: 

Ok. The smoke and CO detector was not actually provided with the device and is more of a nod to the fire that burned my house down once before. 

While you can read that as humor, it isn't. With the tent and fan in place and one window open, you can run this thing in your home without terrible odor problems. Even if your home includes 3 survivors of a fire who are sensitive to burning smells. So long as you have good ventilation. I would also like to point out the laser doesn't trigger a smoke detector 10 feet away in the same room. 

I suspect when I goof, it will trigger the detector, but I'll have to try harder to do that. Also, the product does have a built-in fire detector, so I'll have to try real hard. 

I polled four people on the smell and got some surprising reactions. 

Me, the guy who was not at home for the fire: It smelled alarming bad, like I was going to send my family into PTSD mode. 
Nathan, the kid who was outside but present for the fire: "The laser smells like smoke."
Catherine, the girl who got out last: "It smells like incense."
Kitty, my wife, ran back into the fire to save the cat and collapsed from smoke inhalation: "I can't smell anything." 

So, it does clearly smell funny but not that bad. 

I'd like to close with a final image, an improperly run speed vs power test. 

I cannot wait to get the hang of this and start making products. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Where You Can Find Me

I have a couple of outlets I use all the time. I am now back on Facebook which is a big change. I am not using the whole "Link in the comments", so my only way to attract followers is word of mouth. You can also see me on Mastodon.Social and Dice.Camp in addition to MeWe. My last outlet, one that I am going to start working hard on this year is Ko-Fi

As always, you can find my products on DriveThruRPG. There is also my secondary store on Ko-Fi. Tomorrow, I will be posting about the differences between each shopping experience. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

New Ko-Fi Store

My store on Ko-Fi has just opened. I am leading with items that will never change, like my AD&D Character Sheets for Unearthed Arcana and my Hex Pack. These items are pay-what-you-want and are IDENTICAL to those offered on DriveThruRPG. There is no need to duplicate your efforts if you already got them from DTRPG. This is simply a different shopping option.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Topical Topic

I haven't been posting regularly and tried to lead my Dungeonland review with a massive tangent on current events. I have made this its own post. 

I've mentioned my love of Disney. but I have yet to mention my wife's love of Lewis Caroll. When we first met, I pigeonholed her as a non-reader. I was very wrong, she is merely a non-book collector. I was shocked to find that she had read everything by Lewis Caroll, Poe, and T.S. Elliot plus many, many more. She reads something and disposes of the book. 

Blasphemy! How could you get rid of books you read and liked? We are still working on this issue.

This is one of those odd times where our interests collide on a topical subject and also highlights the need for patrons of this website.

How do a D&D module, Lewis Caroll, and patrons merge with current events?

AI, of course. 

I imagine that most of the people reading this site expect me to produce my own content, with my own opinions no matter how odd or off-beat they may be. It's a matter of getting a different perspective. By way of example, I did a review on dx/db. The author dropped in to say thanks, while some of my readers on social media absolutely hated this title and said so. 

Well, I engaged with both and everyone is happy. This website is a service to people of all kinds and perspectives. And I thank them for those differing views. 

Let me take a moment to thank some major backers of this website: Blackrazor, Pulp 716, and a co-worker. 

Blackrazor provided dozens of games after the house fire. Pulp 716 provided a safe haven for my family after the same. It's a wonderful place to meet up, buy THEN read comics, and relax. And my unnamed coworker provided a fabulous Macbook, which comes in handy for writing posts for These Old Games. 

My coworker hit the nail on the head when he asked, "How is that useful? What can you do with a computer too old to connect to the internet?" 

The answer to that is easy, I use it to disconnect from the internet. He didn't see the value in that until I showed him my workflow and then it all made sense. Basically, I write my text and note what sort of image I want in my post on the iBook. Then I can sneaker-net a USB drive between computers and use Blogger's integration with Photos to get the images from my phone. 

Very rarely do I type directly into the Blogger interface, usually only to change wording or kill a typo not found by Apple Works and whatnot. Today, I tried to use it for speed and ease of use. 

Yeah, wrong. 

The interface has broken down. I am experiencing a corporate AI takeover. I use Chrome and Blogger plus Grammarly. At some point, the various spell-checking options switched to highly aggressive mode. It's crazy, I can't really type anything in the standard interface without getting a mess of suggestions that make no sense.  

I've turned it all off which was about as effective as turning off Skynet was. 

On top of this, I have noticed the integration with Photos has gone off, like 6-day-old Chinese food on a soft taco shell. It could work, but I am taking chances. 

If I didn't have the refuge of my good ol' iBooks, I'd be screwed. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

What's Up?

Man, things never go the way you expect. Stuff changes. 

As you can see, there have been some changes to my website. Minor stuff that I always meant to do. 

On the right, I now have a contact form where you can email me directly. Also on the right is a new link to The Magic Candle Company, a product I very much enjoy. We haven't done candles since the house fire, but they carry oil diffusers. If you want the coupon code instead of the link, it is TOGWEB for 15% off. 

Other changes since the start of this year have been work-related. We picked up a second home, cute rental property in Clifton Springs near Canandaigua to simplify work travel. It's odd having a landlord again. My wife does travel nursing and this facilitates this. Having a vacation home is pretty cool, too. 

Canandaigua and Clifton Springs are beautiful places with a rich history and amazing natural resources. There are many homes dating back to the Revolutionary War. They have a game shop called Dork Forest Comics and is just down the street is a sulfur spring. Believe it or not, Elvis, Elizabeth Taylor, and Paul Newman used to visit the sulfur spas. 

The springs don't smell all that bad. Being a natural property of the springs the smell ebbs and flows from day to day. It is very pleasant due to the canal-like setting and the wildlife that inhabits the waters. 

Back in June, we lost our rabbit Bo (left). He was 6-7 years old and well-loved when we adopted him last year. My daughter insisted on this guy as he had little chance of being adopted due to his age. She was probably right. 

He jumped right in with our other pets and rapidly became a member of the tribe. Even the dog was sweet on him. He had his own feed patch of our garden, with cucumbers, basil, sage, and dill. 

Now that Bo passed, we discovered we can't do without a rabbit in our home. 

Please help us welcome Fiver. 

Like Bo, he is an atypical rabbit. He is a cross between a Continental Giant and a Flemish Giant. He could get quite big, as in fever-dream big. I hesitate to say exactly how big. When I was a child, I had 2 dwarf bunnies that refused to stay small. Rabbits are highly variable animals. 

He is a sweet guy. The picture to the right was taken a few weeks ago when he was 9 weeks old and about 7 lbs. We are waiting to have him neutered in the next few weeks. While we only have one bunny and we don't want ANY chance of having 11 bunnies. 

One of the ironic things about keeping cats and rabbits is both animals have traits that feed off of each other. Dominant cats expect to groom submissive cats while dominant bunnies expect to be groomed by submissive rabbits. Cats will groom rabbits. This is so cute but can have unexpected and disastrous results if not monitored. 

Our smallest cat, Seraphina has decided to take on the role of a dominant, mother cat with Fiver playing the role of the kitten. Where this goes wrong is Seraphine's interactions with the other animals. She shouldn't be big enough to dominate the 65 lbs. dog or even the 10-12 lbs cats, but she tries. The other larger cats attempt to out-dominate her by also grooming the dog which causes growling, hissing, and occasionally fights between the cats that the German Shepard Pit Bull mix tries to stop. Nobody has been injured but we have to keep an eye on it. 

Our dog Tori should have her own stat block here because she is not your average dog, but that is a post for a different day. 

Back to the website stuff. Recently, I lost all of my stats due to a change to Google Analytics. That's annoying. I am relearning my way around Analytics again. As a consequence, my Ko-Fi project has taken a hit, first slowing, then stopping altogether. 

On the DriveThruRPG front, I have implemented changes that will force changes to most of my products. You can still order them on DriveThru but soon they will also appear on my Ko-Fi page. This means people who like my products will have to make a choice, do you order from Ko-Fi or DriveThruRPG. 

So far, all of my products on DriveThru are PWYW. At this time, I have no idea how I will present my products on Ko-Fi. I am going to start with the Hex Pack and my character sheet for AD&D as these products will never change. I do not have a set time frame to do this. 

What choice are you making? If you want 100% of the proceeds of a purchase to go to me, then Ko-Fi will be your ticket. However, if you support DriveThruRPG and its various programs of philanthropy and support for new content producers, then the choice is clear. This is one of the many reasons I am moving glacially slow on this. I really love DriveThruRPG but I want to develop products off of their site, mostly because I see myself offering physical goods DriveThruRPG can't really support, as in not books. I need to be able to offer a one-stop shop which I believe will be Ko-Fi based. 

I didn't mean to write this much, but I think I am calling 2023 my rebuilding year. You are going to see new media in 2024, so I hope you hit those subscribe buttons and follow me in this process. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Update From The Real World

We've got about 43 (correction - 56.) days until we return home. Progress is really happening now. We have a heater, walls, floors and now paint. Windows come next week as do cabinets. 

It is unbelievable how much work was needed to get this back to livable. 

Before After


Kitchen (reverse angle)

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1

Living Room

Living Room

Dining Room

Dining Room (Reverse angle)

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 2
There was nothing left to take pictures of
Bedroom 3

Bedroom 3



As we are coming to the end of this project, my oldest son Paul has stepped in to do the drywall, mudding and painting. My wife picked out the paint colors. 

Obviously, we need a toilet, tile, actual floors as opposed to the shown subfloor. But it's coming along. 

It's been a long 226 days.