These do not include continuing series posts which shall continue as per normal. So far, those are reviews, spring model posts and a summer gaming updates.
General cleanup on the blog will continue pace, which is something I try to hit once a week. I will be updating the photos of figurines to be compliant with my planned updates. This will allow me to play with my camera for item 5.
1. Rerelease Swashbuckler Character Class as "Character Pack for OSR and AD&D"
A. Write new character classes.
i. Write 3 Kobold character classes.
a. Classic kobold class as per monster stats.
b. Folklore kolold class as per legends.
c. The kobolds of Minawan tribe character class in my campaign.
ii. Adapt 3 new classes for this pack.
a. The Hoodlum/Gangbanger class.
b. The Monomach class.
c. The Unicorn/Pegasus class.
iii. Create 2 new classes based on military fiction.
a. The 70's Era Veteran class.
b. The Space Marine class.
B. Provide files in four types.
i. A4.
ii. 8.5x11
iii. 8.5x11 folding book style.
iv. 5x7 booklet style, requiring cutting on the purchaser's part.
2. Remaster Kobold's Folly on Drivethru.
A. Create a map suitable for printing, poster size.
B. Ensure this map is suitable for VTT online games.
C. Add the aforementioned mention Kobold character classes.
D. Write an adventure for this book.
3. Remaster Compass Rose Inn mini-settling on Drivethru.
A. Create a map suitable for printing, poster size.
B. Ensure this map is suitable for VTT online games.
C. Write an adventure for this book.
4. Record new podcast based on HuckSawyer's feedback.
A. Avoiding the TPK.
B. Why TPK's happen.
C. Avoid dicing your way through TPK's.
5. Put into production
A. Record videos.
B. Edit video.
C. Record audio voice over.
D. Launch Pilot.
E. Collect data on viewer's opinions.
6. Update blog
A. Coming phone changes in the Western New York area for national suicide prevention hotline launch. (Deemed critical. complete.)
B. More reviews of Western New York products, companies and events.
7. Update blog with tutorial on flash drives.
A. Purchasing.
B. Drive formats for a variety of OSes.
C. Troubleshooting.
D. Common flash drive ripoff schemes and how to address.