Sunday, September 29, 2024

#SundayStew for September 29th 2024. Part A

 Ah, #SundayStew. 

I do a lot of things on Sunday. Cooking in the crockpot is one of them. Here is my recipe for chicken and potato stew: 

2 pounds of chicken breasts, whole
1.5 lbs of baby yellow potatoes
1 lb of carrots
1 lb of peas, frozen 
1 lb of corn, frozen
2 stalks of celery, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
16 oz of chicken stock
3 chicken bouillon cubes
3 vegtable bouillon cubes
1 tsp.paprika
1 tsp. of white pepper
1 tbsp of olive oil
Salt to taste

I also call this Fiver's Favorite. He loves his veggie scraps. 

Start with the olive oil on the bottom of the crockpot, then line the bottom of the crockpot with your chicken. I layer the carrots, onion, and celery on top. I add the bouillon cubes, salt, and pepper next. The potatoes go on top. The chick stock is poured over everything. I dust the potatoes with paprika, cover them, and set the crockpot to high.

Cook for 4 hours then add the corn and turn it down to low. Cook for 2-3 more hours.  

Ah... the peas. I didn't forget them. I cook them separately and stir them in last. I shread the chicken at this point and give everything a good stir. 

You can knock on the veggies or add other things like fresh herbs and veggies from the garden. Fiver prefers fresh peas and parsley. I've been tempted to add some oregano but the rabbit always has dibs on fresh oregano. 

You can also add flour or cornstarch at the end for a thicker stew. 

This feeds about 6 with leftovers for lunches. 

This recipe gives me time to do other things, like laundry or better yet, paint figures. That will be Part B later today. It is also fairly diabetic friendly as you can work around the potatoes and skip the flour or cornstarch. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A 3 Way Hook

It's Tuesday night and I am painting some Battlemechs. I like to listen to books or TV when painting. I have this funny trait that the thing I am listening to is the opposite of what I am painting.  For example, when painting mecha, I listen to fantasy books. 

While waiting for a basecoat to dry, I got wrapped up in Terry Brooks' Wizard at Large. This is the third book in the Landover series. Questor Thews, Wizard at Large attempts to transform his friend Abernathy back into a human. It seemed like the right thing to do because he was the one who turned the Scribe into a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier. 

Things go sideways and hilarity and terror ensue. This is one of my favorite series because it incorporates 80s sensibilities into a fantasy story. Oddly, the series makes some nods to the 80s and 90s but doesn't dive in too deep. There is an odd simplicity to the stories that somehow dodges the passage of time and advances in technology that would normally break a portal fantasy story. 

This gave me a great idea for a D&D hook. Locate Object is a bunk spell, the range is far too short. If this spell would be useful, they get down on their hands and knees and do it the hard way instead of magic. Invariably, if something is far away, the characters look for a sage or high-level Wizard to help. Or a Cleric with Commune.

So here goes the three-way hook. The scenario is, the party needs an item to fulfill some objective. They don't know where it is so they hire a scribe or Wizard to do the job. The characters assume they will be given some trivia about the object and a direction to go to recover the item. 


The sage or Wizard does give them that information on how to find the object but decides to toot his or her horn by pulling out a scrying globe or magic mirror to show the characters exactly what the item looks like and its immediate environs. Pleased, the characters thank the sage profusely. 

And then it happens. 

The sage drops his or her magic item and it shatters. In the discharge of failing magic, the sage disappears and the item itself appears at the feet of the characters. 


Now, here are the three hooks: 

A) The characters feel obligated to bring the sage back home. 
B) The characters take the item and leave, forgetting about the sage. The enraged sage escapes on their own and hunts the characters down.
C) The owner of the item brings the sage home, searching for his or her stolen possession.  

The beauty of this is the triple hook is, in no way are you pushing the players to pick a course of action. They'll do it themselves by word and deed. Also, it doesn't tie up the DM too much. The forces against the players can have many motivations and goals, so it doesn't turn into a targeted TPK. You can play it for laughs, for growth, for horror, all based on what you discover your players like. 

Imagine the look on your player's faces when they discover the sage doesn't want to go home because they accidentally found the love of their life. Or what if they ran home just days ahead of a demon horde. What if the sage stumbles home and into the party just in time to save them from themselves? 

That is so much fun. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Let's get ready to paint some #mecha

 I do love a good Locust sculpt, but I have a few more figures queued up for painting. 

Usually, I do a light color as the base, but you can see I used black on the Mechs in the back rank. I've never tried that before. The Battlemaster and the Commando will be dark green, with red and white details, along with a bit of silver and gunmetal. 

The jars of dice are my next laser project. I'll be cutting some 3 mm thick lids for them. The next generation will have laser-etched glass, but I need to buy a rotating stand for that. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Stupid Solution to Stupid Problem #MechaMonday

I've been working on a few Battlemechs for my Thursday outings to Kingpin Comics and Games. However, I own two 100-ton cats. They are beasts. They keep knocking my painted mechs off the shelf. 

They are savage. They skip the unpainted ones. 

I came up with a stupid solution to a stupid problem. I put the models in a terrarium I had in the garage. 

They've tried half a dozen times to get up there and they can't fit. Problem solved? 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Happy Accident - Fiend Folio times 2!

I made a point of getting Nathan physical copies of the D&D 5e rules. He has two different groups that play and it would be dumb if they couldn't do that due to an internet outage, lost computer, or other silly problem. 

Mechanically, 5e is very different than AD&D or any version of B/X but the lore remains largely the same. Drow are Drow, Goblins are Goblins, and so on. Sure some people would like to change that for everyone but once you put an idea out there, good luck changing it. 

Wayback in 2019, I had a campaign where elves and humans were hostile to one another. I couldn't sell it and no one bought it. 

Once an idea is out there, forget about changing it. 

Anyway, I mentioned to Nathan my world's main antagonist is a Drow named Magarven. You can read all about him here

Nathan was put back by the mention of Drow. He thought they were new to 5e. Nope. I grabbed my copy of Fiend Folio. His jaw dropped.

"Is that a Githyanki?!?" 

Hell, yeah it is. 

That was the last I saw or thought about my copy of Fiend Folio. Somehow, that struck me funny. I forgot I even had a copy and ordered one POD from DriveThruRPG. Of course, when it arrived, Nathan tried to return my copy. 

I took some pictures and made him pick one. 

The POD copy is a soft cover, but don't let that put you off. The pages are solid and crisp, the print is excellent and the binding is nice. It is a tiny bit smaller than the original, making it a standard-size book. The price for POD was also amazing, far less than the $20 I paid for the original copy back in the day. 

I hope you can tell from the images, the POD's paper is somewhat thicker and the black is very solid. The thicker paper is nicer from the get-go. The softer black ink in the original is likely due to the age. Even though I bought my hardcover 2-3 years ago, it was printed in 1981. No book will hold up over 40+ years.

Anyway, I thought I would share this title as it keeps bringing joy to new and old players.