Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Tek - June 2020

In June, I hit a wall. I had a couple "technical glitches" that stopped me from doing a lot of things I normally do.

I have this glucometer that I use to regulate my insulin. It took a crap on me. It started throwing out really low numbers at random. The last reading it took for me suggested that I try to re-calibrate it. That did not work.

Good Morning! You're dead!

20 mg/dL is god-awful, really bad. If you are standing up, looking a device, taking pictures and swearing, you don't have a 20 mg/dL. Basically, everything it was telling me was wrong. It turns out, for every low reading it was giving, it was also throwing 3 high readings. Much too high, so I was slowly increasing my insulin which I didn't need. 

I felt like hell and I wouldn't have realized exactly how bad it was if I didn't like statistics so much. Systemically, that old meter was telling me my lowest reading for the day was 80-100 points too low while also over reporting 3 readings a day by the same amount. It was totally baffling.

This was so serious, my doctor sent me to get blood drawn. Since I have at least one risk factor for COVID-19, just getting the test done was something she wanted to avoid. But we didn't get a choice. I am happy to report that my A1C which was well over 13 last year is down to 6.6. I have a ways to go, but I now have a protocol to reduce my insulin. That was unthinkable last year at this time. 

The webstats and sales stats are not so baffling. I am very proud of my stats for the Hex Pack. That was an amazing launch. Thank you again for making it so popular. 

June 2020 Downloads via DriveThruRPG:
AD&D Character Sheet For Use with Unearthed Arcana - 4
Compass Rose Inn Minisetting - 3
Kobold Folly Minisetting - 3
Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners - 6
The Hex Pack - 19
Swashbucklers Character Class - 2

Google Analytics Pageviews - 779
Google Analytics Sessions - 538
Pageviews per Session - 1.45

Basically, I was down two thirds for the month of June compared to May. Painful, but I survived the month. I expect that July's stats will be equally bad. It will take a long time to recover. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Goblin Clan Miniatures (Formerly 3DMakerWorks)

They came on Friday! 

The amount of detail on these figures is incredible and because they are 3d printed, they don't have a bit of flash like metal figures. I swore one of the skeletons had a bit of something sticking off his neck at an odd angle, but when I looked closer, it was an axe lodged in his armor. That's cool! 

I was expecting some sort of lines as an artifact of printing, and it is there, but it's super fine. It looks like a pattern on the figures. It looks like a pattern on the figures. I don't see any point in trying to remove it. A bit of paint will probably completely cover it. I suspect that a simple wash would make it more evident, but we will see. 

As you can see from the photos, these figures are large. Way bigger than 28 mm. They border on being "model sized". If I was trying to make a 28 mm army, I'd object. But these are for D&D, and monsters are notoriously "not to scale". The bases are almost exactly 1", so for 1"=5 feet on a game surface, these are perfect. In the picture above, the building in the background is an in-between scale, good for 25 mm or 15 mm so I am not exacting in my scale anyway. "Looks good" is better than "in scale". 

I wouldn't call these minis "unbreakable", but they feel tough. The material does feel like you could break it with a tool, so modification would be difficult. However, a random drop off the table probably wouldn't hurt them. Each package of figures came with multiple poses. 

Speaking of "modification", there probably isn't any point. The 6 Archer Skeletons came in 3 poses, while the 7 Melee Skeletons have 7 different poses as did the Lizardmen. And these poses are not your typical mini "poses" with a leg or an arm moved. Each is a different sculpt, but share common details so obviously they are from the same theme or group.  

All and all, I'd give these 5 of 5 stars. I can't wait to start painting.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Stop Being Crazy In There!

Chaos Star
As you can tell from the frequency of posts, I have a lot of insanity going on. Where to begin? 

I'm teaching online classes all this week while trying to get my classroom up to NYSED standards. Social distancing for special edu students and all that jazz. Plus there is a ventilation standard, which is wholly dependent on a building inspection that no one at the school has any control of. I don't know what kind of HVAC we have... But that's not all, we have a mandated break starting next Monday which lasts until the first-day summer school could start. So, I might be doing a lot of work for not much benefit. And that's not all... We are taking in new students, who really want to be correctly placed in a quality school by the summer session, which means no one is assured of that mandated break. No pressure! 

In more minor news, the screen door latch fell off my front door and there are no replacements anywhere in the City of Buffalo. WTH? I had to order one online. I'm now checking USPS tracking like an eBay fanatic. In the meantime, we can't use our front door, even to check the mail... 

Anyway, I just want to post a reiteration that if you would like a link, a review, or whatever, go ahead and contact me at phil<zot :)>viverito at gmail<dot>com or leave me a note in the comments or contact me via or facebook. I'm always happy to link share. 

At some point last week I had a spammer come in and drop a link. It doesn't happen that often but the person was an total asshat about it. What is really rotten about the whole thing is, he was promoting a product that pertains to my website and looks super cool. This isn't like the guy that tried to link his consignment store to my series called 52 Weeks of Magic, as if the items in his shop were real magic items. This product is actually way better than that and it is linked to another product I am ridiculously happy with. 

The name of the company is and like the name implies, they produce 3d printed miniatures. The designs are by Fat Goblin Games, who is a great content producer on DriveThruRPG among other places. I purchased some clipart from them but then found it didn't match my setting, so now it's hanging on my wall as a great D&D themed piece of art. Great stuff. 

Anyway, what about these minis? has dozens of minis for sale. They look great for any D&D campaign. In perusing the link the spammer left, I thought, "Gee, I haven't ordered figures in a while." $30 later, I have an order for 7 Lizardfolk Warriors, 7 Ranged Skeletons, and 8 Melee Skeletons. 

(Jan 2023 update, all of the links are dead, so I removed them. Sorry.) 

Hmm... Damn it! I fell for the spam!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Episode 003 - The Tomb of Horrors Sucks and Everybody Should Be a Bard

Welcome Back! What more can I say after that title? 

I have some new music so let's all give thanks to Kevin MacLeod at for the following tracks:

Parting of the Ways - Part 2 Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Parting of the Ways - Part 1 Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

All hail Mr. MacLeod!

In this episode, I wax poetic about AD&D 1e Bards and Rage Against the worst module ever, Tomb of Horrors. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

sketching again

Just quick sketch today to test out the new blogger app and redesign. I also added two older sketches. 

There used to be a 400k limit on pictures, but it looks like that's gone. 
